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What box strength should I choose?Updated 3 months ago

Box strength is a surprisingly complicated and nuanced characteristic! Here, we provide high-level guidance for anyone deciding whether to use 23ECTB, 32ECTB, 32ECTC, 32ECTE, or 44ECTC sheets for their custom shipping box. To better understand the factors that impact box strength, head to our blog: Understanding Shipping Box Strength

ECT strength (versus an older approach called the "Mullen Test") is a suitable strength rating system for most shipping boxes and is the only one that works with boxes made with recycled content. EcoEnclose box strengths are all measured in ECT, and most companies who sell shipping boxes are in the same boat.

As you’re trying to determine the best type of corrugated for your boxes, start by using this reference from the team of folks that have delivered millions…and millions and millions of packages just like yours – UPS. Even more important than their vast experience is that they are often the folks who will determine whether or not to honor claims on damaged packages! They provide the following recommendations on their website. Check out the following tool to get specific guidance for your package:

Note that UPS does not address the 23B material, but based on our experience, we have added our guidelines to the chart below.

Maximum Weight of Box and Contents (lbs/kg)Recommended Size Limit of Box Length, Width, and Depth Added (inches/cm)*Minimum Bursting Test (lbs per sq. inch/kg per sq. cm)Minimum Edge Crush Test (ECT) (lbs per inch/kg per cm width)

*EcoEnclose recommendations; not provided by UPS.

As described above, ECT (or Mullen Test) is just one factor driving the strength of a box itself. 

The box style is also important. Regular Slotted Container (RSC) styles are inherently stronger, while Tab Locking styles are typically not as strong. Also, the bigger the box, the lower its strength. That is to say, a box that is 5x5x5" made with 23ECTB will resist crushing more effectively than the same style box that is 10x10x10" made with the same sheet (23ECTB).

Finally, note that the strength of a sheet and corresponding box is measured by the number (23, 32, 44, etc.). The letter (B, C, E, etc.) describes the "flutes" of the sheet and provides information as to the thickness of the corrugated. A 32ECT E and 32ECT C box (of the same size and style) will have the same strength. However, the E flute will be much thinner and sleeker.

Get started: Order custom shipping boxes here.

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