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Vector vs. Raster GraphicsUpdated 4 months ago

What is the difference between a Vector and Raster (bitmap) image?

Vector graphics use geometrical objects, including points, lines, curves, circles, or other shapes, to form an image. The alternative is a bitmap or raster graphics, a map of bits (dots or pixels).

Unlike bitmap graphics, vector graphics are scalable and can be expanded without losing resolution. So if I double the size of a vector image, then it does not lose sharpness or clarity. But if I double the size of a bitmap, I will lose sharpness as the individual bits or pixels become more visible.


Vector-based computer graphics are heavily used in industries that need precise designs: web design, CGI, engineering, construction, manufacturing, and science.

What file type does EcoEnclose require?

To upload your art file for custom printing, it must be in a vector format - .ai, .eps, .pdf. However, it is possible for a vector file to contain raster images within it. While we can accept and work with these raster images, we prefer vector images because we know it leads to a more precise, higher-quality print. If your art file contains raster images, we will flag this as we work with you and let you know how this may impact your final print (and give you a chance to provide a file with vector images instead). 

Which programs can I use to create Vector files?

Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop are considered industry-leading editors, and in our experience work well for creating Vector files.

CorelDRAW can be used for art files on our stickers, EcoBands, Notecards, or other digitally printed products.

If you have any questions, please contact us here.

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