How do I place an order for custom shipping boxes?Updated 4 months ago
Find instant quotes and place a sample or quantity box order via our site here:
Step 1: Click on the box style - there should be a green box around your selection.
Step 2 or 2A: Use the dropdowns to select your box dimensions or type them in the boxes provided. You can input whole and fractional inches.
Step 2B: Use the dropdown to select your box strength.
Step 3: Add custom branding?
Step 4: New order or reorder
Step 5: Change Quantity
Step 6: Select Service Speed
For Unprinted Boxes:
For a quantity order, you will use the green ADD TO CART button.
For sample boxes, you will use the ORDER FREE SAMPLE button. Samples are complimentary, but we do ask for the ship charge. Sample boxes are limited to one per box size and 5 total samples.
For Printed Boxes:
A dialog will appear where you can select your print options.
Additional Info:
*Current lead times are here.
*You may have trouble navigating our Corrugated Box page on a mobile device. If so, we recommend a laptop or desktop computer.
*If you are interested in multi-panel prints or boxes printed in 2 colors, please contact us for a quote.
*For high-volume box orders of 2,500 or more, please contact our team for a quote.